Ha az ember már megnézte az összes
Little Britaint,
French & Saunders-szel kell folytatni. Lesz szerencsém lefordítani belőle egy részt, amiben French-Madonna felolvas egy részt a mesekönyvéből Saunders-Madonnának. Íme a mese:
"Once upon time there was a naught dirty little girl who sung and danced her way to the top. She didn’t care who she was horrid to in order to get famous, she even did a nude book where she showed her vixen toilet parts to everyone. And depicted scenes of depravity with young and old gay boys and girls. Licking and poking her. When she grew up she realised she didn’t want her own children to read this smut, or to see her on stage twirling her nipples. And grinding with a man dressed as the Pope. One day a big wise rabbit called Philip Burk. Hopped up to her and suggested that she should study the ancient mystic and esoteric knowledge of the first five books of Moses. And explore path to fulfilment via spiritual and scientific laws of the universe that govern the cosmos and the human soul. And so, she did. And she set about repenting and making herself a better person. She washed out her filthy mouth, and the words ‘mother’, ‘sucker’, and ‘cock’ never passed her lips again. She thanked the big rabbit and all his creed and asked how she could show the world that she was now a new and spiritually clean person called Enid. He gave her a twenty six dollar red friendship bracelet available at Blah Blah dot com and a catalogue for further merchandise. This is a true story and if you don’t believe me go (BEEP) yourself."
7 komment:
meggugliztam. guszta.
ghaaaa!! u u u u!!!
ez jo volt. lattad a sex book-ot? szuper.
Sex Book? Igen, épp a minap volt a kezemben. Kíváncsi vagyok, 15 évvel később milyen Sex Bookot tenne le az asztalra, ha tovább ribancult volna. De hát közben találkozott a nagy nyúllal.
es azota arisztokrata. es hol jutottal a konyvhoz?
Van egy Madonna fanatikus ismerősöm. Az hozta el megmutatni. Minden szart megvesz.
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